A Farewell for the Welfare Client

(October 2, 2012)

I endure the twisting anxiety

quite understandably as I await

the end of the weight within the

waiting room of the gargantuan

entity, Welfare. “Oh, God!”

I climactically scream into my

mind’s ear with my mind’s shrill voice,

“My stomach’s pulling itself out of my

abdomen and forcing its way forwards

as though pushing its way straight ahead

into the future”—into what I’m going

to suffer when my name’s eventually

called for by Welfare. I weight intensely

while waiting the time, the second that

I’m finally called, my presence belatedly

requested; and I follow Welfare down

the myriad corridors (straight, left, right,

right, left, straight) before entering Its

inquisitive office, one with a large number

of Welfare’s clients’ names, ages, addresses,

SINs, employment histories (or lack thereof),

assets, marital statuses, etcetera …

In Its office—desk, walls, filing cabinets,

computer and papers—Welfare cheques

a multitude of informations to ensure that It

has no reason (excuse?) to deny me my “benefits,”

to refuse me “government monies,” taxpayer

dollars …… “Oh, sorry,” Welfare says to me with

tainted crocodile tears and feigned sympathy,

“but you didn’t include your SIN on your check

stub last month. $orry. Next check issue date is

three weeks from now.” Glaring at me, Welfare’s

eyes tell me that I may indeed leave, and I rise to depart.

“Farewell,” Welfare wishes me in closing

the fruitless meeting—one of callous

red tape entangled with apathy and false hopes,

“Farewell … And don’t forget about your

Annual Welfare Review early next month … ”

Frank G Sterle Jr

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